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Not that these two pairings remain independent of each other for very long, it must be said. At which point, any fatigue that these hairless beauties may have been feeling is quickly forgotten with their thick, uncut shafts quickly making an appearance, as Blent teams up with Scott, whilst Chaton and Caress slurp on cock nearby. But it’s the remarks about their body-odour that really seems to ignite their fury and which quickly results in the young trainees taking matters into their own hands by launching a full-on sexual assault on their boss. As he rather brutally informs them, his grandmother could run better than they do – a comment that clearly upsets a few egos in the room given the indignity with which it’s received. The blond-haired Dutchman is not an easy man to please, however.

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Given all the heady amounts of exercise that the handsome trio of Andy Scott, Camil Chaton and Simon Caress display during the opening moments of this terrific set-piece, you’d think that their trainer, Kris Blent, would be more than satisfied.

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